the third of four bus trips in one evening [into town, then out to armley, then back again]
on the bendy bus, the seats face in different directions, meaning that you can draw peoples faces and not just the backs of their heads. the downside of this is that they can see you drawing them. so you have to be either very brazen [which i'm no good at] or very surreptitious [which i'm also not very good at, but at least it's less potentially confrontational]
this girl on the bus clocked me straight away though, before i'd even decided to draw her.
i tried hard to be inconspicuous as i sketched, but she knew i was looking at her.
she didn't seem very happy anyway, but i think i made her even less so.
i tried hard not to feel bad about that... couldn't help imagining a back story for her, and wondering what had made her so glum [other than having me staring at her and trying not to make it so obvious]
i like the composition of this pic though. she really was half-glaring at me through the hand rail like that.
somehow the design of it remind me a bit of rennie mackintosh - the shapes and the parallel [ish] verticals on the right [the folds of the bendy joint bit in the middle of the bus]
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